How to disable the DataPoint menu

How to disable the DataPoint menu

Sometimes you want to disable the functionality of the DataPoint menu. You still want to use the DataPoint functionality of a presentation but on a given computer you want to use this presentation but prevent that people are going to modify the DataPoint settings of a DataPoint-enabled PowerPoint presentation. 

To disable the DataPoint menu, go to folder C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Corporation\
The variable [username] is replaced by the username of the person logging in. As you see this setting is user-dependent.

Create the file DataPoint Standard.xml in there with a text editor like notepad. Open the file in case the file already exists.

In case that the file did not exist, select the following text here and paste it into the xml file;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="DisableMenu" value="1" />

In case that the file existed already, just add the following line in the appSettings section;
    <add key="DisableMenu" value="1" />

The value 1 will disable the DataPoint menu (except the About button). Any other value other than 1 will enable the DataPoint menu.

Save the file and exit the text editor.

Restart PowerPoint and DataPoint after this modification to make it effective.
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