While monitoring Windows applications like Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Exchange, I get "Error # The RPC server is unavailable". What should I do?

While monitoring Windows applications like Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Exchange, I get "Error # The RPC server is unavailable". What should I do?

Reason: WMI or RPC service might not be running in the remote machine.

Solution: Check if the WMI and RPC services are running in the remote machine. This you can check in the Services window. If these services are not started, start them and try adding the monitor.

If there is a firewall in between Applications Manager and the remote machine, open ports 135, 445 & (1025-1050) in the firewall to enable access.

After that follow the steps in server troubleshooting question.

Even after the above steps if you get the error, send the Support Information File with the details of your setup to appmanager-support@manageengine.com

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