HTTP to HTTPS Redirection

HTTP to HTTPS Redirection

Below mentioned steps will allow you to redirect all the HTTP(port 80) requests on
application (e.g. http://localhost) to HTTPS(port 443) (https://localhost). Before proceeding, ensure your SSL certificate is successfully installed so you can access OpManager through https://localhost.

Note: Take a backup of the files before replacing in the actual location.


1. Stop the OpManager Service.

2. Go to the folder C:\ManageEngine\OpManager\conf and edit the file server.xml with WordPad. Search with "<Service name="Catalina">" and add the below entry under the existing connector.

    <Connector port="80"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="443" acceptCount="100"
               debug="3" connectionTimeout="1800000"
               disableUploadTimeout="true" />

3.  After the changes, the file entry should be as below 

4.  You can replace the port 80 if the http redirection should be in different port and the https redirectPort is 443 and save the file.

5. Go to the folder C:\ManageEngine\OpManager\WEB-INF\web.xml. Edit the web.xml file and search for the content below and add the lines in  highlighted.

            <web-resource-name>Secured Core Context</web-resource-name>
7. Start the OpManager Service.
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